A secure neigh­bor­hood and invit­ing pri­vate residences.

Pur­pose­ful­ly designed to enhance the lives of those with mem­o­ry loss, the home­like set­ting pro­vides a bright, safe and social­ly stim­u­lat­ing envi­ron­ment. Your loved one will enjoy their own spa­cious, pri­vate stu­dio apart­ment with a full bath. We also accept direct admis­sions from out­side our senior liv­ing com­mu­ni­ty on a space-avail­able basis.

Floorplan memory care a

Studio Apartment A

Floorplan memory care b

Studio Apartment B

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Your loved one is in good hands.

Our team of spe­cial­ists, ther­a­pists and expe­ri­enced care­givers will get to know your loved one as they cre­ate a per­son­al­ized plan to help them thrive. They’ll get to know your fam­i­ly as well so they can pro­vide the sup­port you might need.

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They’ll ben­e­fit from our state-of-the-art programming.

Our proac­tive approach to senior demen­tia care can help slow fur­ther mem­o­ry loss and sus­tain cur­rent abil­i­ties. We use spe­cial dai­ly pro­gram­ming that focus­es on strengths rather than deficits and is care­ful­ly designed to pro­mote social, phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al well-being.

Fam­i­ly support.

Our team is always avail­able to pro­vide updates and answer ques­tions. In addi­tion, we hold a quar­ter­ly mem­o­ry care fam­i­ly meet­ing” where fam­i­lies can find com­mon­al­i­ty with each oth­er and learn from key staffers about upcom­ing events, and care and com­mu­ni­ty news. 

Ameni­ties and ser­vices that make a difference.

One rea­son­able, all-inclu­sive month­ly fee cov­ers prac­ti­cal­ly everything:

* Addi­tion­al fee

** Doctor’s refer­ral need­ed or addi­tion­al cost