20th Anniver­sary Open House

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 • 11am - 2pm

Location: Smith Crossing, 10501 Emilie Lane • Orland Park, IL

You’ll have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to tour the com­mu­ni­ty and min­gle with res­i­dents to get all of your ques­tions answered. If you haven’t been here in a while, some things may have changed, so come and see what we look like now. Enjoy deli­cious appe­tiz­ers while you tour and cel­e­brate our 20th anniver­sary mile­stone with a cham­pagne toast.

Be sure to enter to win a com­pli­men­ta­ry din­ner for 4 in the Main Din­ing Room. We are so grate­ful for all of the love and sup­port over the years and we can’t wait to cel­e­brate with you.

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