Spa 1406 2
Learn about the benefits of Life Care

Life Care: The promise of a lifetime.

Life Care is cov­ered by your entrance fee, and it pro­vides life­time access to our full con­tin­u­um of health­care ser­vices: Assist­ed Liv­ing, Mem­o­ry Care, Skilled Nurs­ing Care and Green­leaf Short-Term Reha­bil­i­ta­tion. They’re all onsite, so you’ll nev­er have to move away. And there’s more: Your care is guar­an­teed for life, even if your funds run low in the future. No senior rental com­mu­ni­ty will ever offer that.

The Well­ness Cen­ter: Con­ve­nient health­care ser­vices for seniors.

At our onsite Well­ness Cen­ter, you can sched­ule appoint­ments with vis­it­ing med­ical spe­cial­ists, includ­ing geron­tol­o­gists, den­tists, podi­a­trists, audi­ol­o­gists and ophthalmologists. 

Learn more about our top-rat­ed liv­ing options.