Differences Between Independent Living and Assisted Living
Independent Living and Assisted Living cater to a person’s unique needs in different ways. Independent Living is for those who can live without assistance, while Assisted Living is designed for those who can live independently, but require help with certain activities of daily living, including:
- Medication management
- Meal preparation
- Bathing, grooming, lower body dressing
- Housekeeping
- Laundry
As a Life Plan Community, we take a person-centered approach when it comes to our Residents. Our goal is to maximize each person’s independence throughout the aging process, allowing them to age within the community as health needs change.
The Limitations of Most Retirement Communities
Most retirement communities and Assisted Living centers evaluate the health of prospective residents with the focus on a prospect’s current abilities and needs. What happens if an Independent Living or Assisted Living resident’s health declines? For many communities, that resident may need to leave the community to receive the care they need.
We see this issue arise for couples living in an Independent Living environment when one spouse requires a higher level-of-care.

Smith Crossing: The Best of Both Worlds
A Life Plan Community is a thoughtful choice for people who want to live an independent and maintenance-free lifestyle while also securing future care they might need. At Smith Crossing, Independent Living residents enjoy the recreational and social amenities of a stand-alone retirement community. The difference is, if they ever need it, Smith Crossing Residents also have lifetime access to Assisted Living, Memory Support, Skilled Nursing Care, and Short-Term Rehabilitation. They won’t have to move from the community they know and love if their needs change.
CARF Accreditation: Quality Across the Continuum
Some Independent Living communities may also offer on-site Assisted Living. The question is, will these additional living options meet your expectations for quality care?
Smith Crossing is CARF accredited. This means that our Independent Living and Assisted Living– as well as Memory Support, Skilled Nursing Care and Rehabilitation – meet the exacting standards of the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. Only a small number of Life Plan communities nationwide hold this accreditation.
Interested in Exploring Your Options?
If you’re ready to explore more about the Smith Crossing community, we can help assess which level-of-care is best for you or your loved one. Give us a call at 708 – 247-5427.