Seniors! Stay active this win­ter — it’s good for you

November 02, 2023 • Source: Source

Keep­ing active dur­ing the win­ter can be chal­leng­ing. The days are short­er. And in the Mid­west, it gets COLD! But it’s still impor­tant to get reg­u­lar exer­cise. Why? Because exercise:

And always, before you begin any exer­cise pro­gram, it’s impor­tant to talk to your doctor.

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At home

  • Try a work­out video. If you have an iWatch, Apple offers an exer­cise sub­scrip­tion. With Ama­zon Prime, you can stream exer­cise class­es to your TV. Most local libraries offer a good selec­tion of DVDs. Choose a time of day for your work­out, and stick with it.
  • Cre­ate a home gym. It can be as sim­ple as weights. Or, if you have the space, equip­ment such as a tread­mill or exer­cise bike.
  • Keep track of your exer­cise reg­i­men with a wear­able fit­ness track­er, such as those made by Fit­Bit, Garmin or Apple. They can mon­i­tor your heart rate, steps and calo­ries burned.
  • Do dai­ly chores. Did you know you can burn 160 calo­ries or more every hour when you do gen­er­al housework?


If you intend to stay active out­doors dur­ing the win­ter, be sure you do it safely.

The AARP has more on dress­ing for win­ter weath­er.

Enjoy an active life at Smith Crossing

A wide choice of exer­cise class­es, engag­ing dai­ly activ­i­ties are all part of our vibrant com­mu­ni­ty lifestyle. It’s anoth­er rea­son why Smith Cross­ing is a leader in senior retire­ment liv­ing and senior health­care in Chicagoland’s South­west suburbs.

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